ISSN : 1000-9035
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Open Access Policy

《分子科学杂志》采用开放获取模式,这意味着所有发表的文章都可以被世界任何地方的任何人免费访问。 一旦文章被接受并发表,它将立即在我们的网站上提供阅读、下载、分享和引用,且没有任何限制。 这确保了有价值的科学研究不被限制在付费墙后,可以被研究人员、学者、专业人士和公众访问。

通过选择开放获取,我们旨在提高您研究的可见性、读者群和影响力。 通过更广泛的受众,您的工作更有可能被阅读、引用和在未来的研究中参考,从而促进科学知识的整体增长。 开放获取有助于弥合研究人员与全球科学界之间的差距,鼓励合作和快速交流思想。 此外,开放获取在科学创新中起着至关重要的作用,因为无障碍访问使其他研究人员能够在现有研究的基础上进行进一步探索。 这加速了发现,促进了跨学科研究,并确保高质量的研究成果能够到达那些最能从中受益的人——无论他们是科学家、政策制定者、教育工作者还是医疗专业人员。


为了维持开放获取模式,作者需要支付文章处理费(APC)。 APC- €1300 这笔费用涵盖了文章的整个过程,从提交到同行评审、编辑、排版、出版和长期存档。 文章处理费(APC)对于确保期刊的可持续性至关重要,因为它帮助我们管理编辑工作流程,维护网站功能,并保持高标准的出版质量。

APC结构旨在公平合理,确保来自不同背景的研究人员都能在我们这里发表。 费用通常在稿件被接受发表后收取,我们提供灵活的付款选项以满足作者的需求。

Journal of Molecular Science follows an Open Access model, meaning that all published articles are freely accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Once an article is accepted and published, it will be immediately available on our website for reading, downloading, sharing, and citing without any restrictions. This ensures that valuable scientific research is not limited behind paywalls and can be accessed by researchers, scholars, professionals, and the general public.

By opting for Open Access, we aim to increase the visibility, readership, and impact of your research. With a wider audience, your work is more likely to be read, cited, and referenced in future studies, thereby contributing to the overall growth of scientific knowledge. Open Access helps bridge the gap between researchers and the global scientific community, encouraging collaboration and the rapid exchange of ideas.

Additionally, Open Access plays a crucial role in scientific innovation, as unrestricted access allows other researchers to build upon existing studies. This accelerates discoveries, promotes interdisciplinary research, and ensures that high-quality findings reach those who can benefit from them the most—whether they are scientists, policymakers, educators, or healthcare professionals.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

To maintain the Open Access model, authors are required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). APC- €1300 This fee covers the entire journey of an article, from submission to peer review, editing, formatting, publishing, and long-term archiving. The APC is essential for ensuring the sustainability of the journal, as it helps us manage editorial workflows, maintain website functionality, and uphold high publishing standards.

The APC structure is designed to be fair and reasonable, ensuring that researchers from different backgrounds can publish with us. The fee is typically required after the manuscript is accepted for publication, and we provide flexible payment options to accommodate authors.

Journal Policies

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review Policy
Aim and Scope
Open Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Human and Animal Rights Policy
Reviewers Guidelines
Competing Interests
Correction and Retraction Policy
Article Withdrawal Policy

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